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Women In Business

What first inspired your passion for the fashion industry?


“My passion for fashion first began in India. I happened to be on a trip and I saw some snakeskin wallets. And from that I thought, wow, I want some pants made from snakeskin. So I had them make me some pants. (It was the first time ever that they had done those). And then from the pants, I had them make me a jacket. And the rest is history.

I decided I could start doing wardrobes in snakeskin and then a furrier in New York fell in love with one of my trench coats and he decided to place me a large wholesale order that he proceeded to line with mink. And needless to say, that snakeskin became my fashion and my slogan and my everything.”

What was it like working as a flight attendant for PanAm?


“Working for PanAm was really such a treat. It was at a time, in the 80s, when flying was so classy and exciting. PanAm was the #1 airline in the world. We used to do round-the-world flights (the 001 out of San Francisco and the 002 out of New York) and that gave me the opportunity to become a citizen of the world. I learned to speak every language in the world with a “universal smile”. PanAm was a huge part of my story growing up and without a doubt has made me who I am. My love of the world I’ve now instilled in my children and now on my grandchild, because I want them to appreciate the world as much as I do.”

What country do you feel inspires your personal style the most?


“Wow, that’s a tough one. I love the colors of the saris in India. At the same time I love being dressed in all black like they do in Paris. But then, I love the way, in Argentina, they put brights and blacks together. So, it all depends on my mood and the season.”

What is one piece of advice you would give to the next generation of women in business?


“This is OUR time. Women are strong. Be willing to work harder for yourself than for others. That means being on call 24/7 and really putting your whole heart into what you do. Your business is like a bicycle. You could pedal that bicycle for 20 years, but the moment you stop pedaling, the bicycle will fall. Stay involved and stay evolving.”

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